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Nov. 17, 2021

Womb Centered Healing

Womb Centered Healing

Have you heard of Womb Healing?

Womb healing works with the womb space and is not specific only to women who have physical womb, it’s for ALL women including those who identify as women.. Womb healing has been used for centuries by medicine women,...

Have you heard of Womb Healing?

Womb healing works with the womb space and is not specific only to women who have physical womb, it’s for ALL women including those who identify as women.. Womb healing has been used for centuries by medicine women, shamans, and priestesses as a form of health care. It’s how they helped reawaken the womb connecting women to their true source of healing, love, creativity and sensuality. It’s a guided deep dive into healing the scars that have been left behind by traumas, relationships, sexual encounters, social conditioning, divorce, self identity, and so much more.

I sit down with Debbie Frasca, Healer: CERTIFIED ANGEL ALCHEMIST, CERTIFIED IN THETAHEALING of Cardinal Healings.

In this episode, you will learn why womb healing is beneficial, how it works, and what my personal experience was having my very own session with Debbie!

To learn more about Cardinal Healings, follow this link: https://www.cardinalhealings.com/

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Dec. 28, 2020

All About Brie

Welcome to the mini "launch party" of The Brie Pod's first official episode. I give you the inside scoop about me and what inspired me to get behind the mic. It is out with the old from 2020 and in …

Listen to the Episode