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Lisa Chin

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When Lisa Chin is not wrangling spreadsheets or her three young kids, she is a writer, podcaster and coach lighting a torch for mothers on their journey of reclaiming themselves and living an inspired life. Above all, Lisa values real conversations around motherhood, identity, and self-expression. She believes community, knowing your truths, and art can keep us grounded in motherhood.

You can learn more about Lisa on her blog, Lisa For Real, on Instagram @reclaimingmotherhood and on her podcast, All The Things.

To learn more about Lisa's word of the year program, visit www.lisaforreal.com/yourwordyouryear.

Dec. 22, 2021

It's Time to Kick New Year's Resolutions to the Curb!

Lisa is a Coach, Podcast Host, Writer, and Blogger. She is a Jersey girl at heart, mom to the light of her life, wife to her rock, aspiring entrepreneur, sister, daughter, cousin, second-generation Chinese America, lover of holistic everything, and...

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