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April 28, 2021

Autism Acceptance Week 2: Thea Faye

Autism Acceptance Week 2: Thea Faye

Thea sits down with me to talk about her story and her family's journey with Autism. Officially and Unofficially diagnosed for a few, 7/7 of her immediate family members are on the Spectrum.

Thea is based in South Wales, where you'll often find her...

Thea sits down with me to talk about her story and her family's journey with Autism. Officially and Unofficially diagnosed for a few, 7/7 of her immediate family members are on the Spectrum.

Thea is based in South Wales, where you'll often find her working in her shed at the bottom of the garden. She's been married for almost 20 years and has five children and a gazillion pets, including dogs, rats, and chickens.

Thea wears many hats and one of them being that she is an author of multiple books regarding spirituality. Check out her books here: https://www.amazon.com/Thea-Faye/e/B003XSYH5U?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1619579243&sr=8-1